Sunday, April 09, 2006

Four More Years!

While the administration plans a NUCLEAR WAR with Iran, no one seems to care about the fact that "Scooter" Libby has been telling judges that his higher ups told him to blow the whistle on Valery Plame.

When Vince Foster killed himself at the beginning of the Clinton era, the Republicans screamed and moaned until that fateful day when Anton Scallia decided that W should be president. (Conspiracy theories about his death still abound!)

When Clinton lied about getting a blowjob from Monica, the Republicans unleashed Kenneth Star and we learned all about the sordid details of Bubba's and Monica's affair.

So where are the Democrats? Why are they not demanding justice? Why are they not demanding to know the facts?

Are they in cahoots? Are they spineless? Do they not care?

What's up?

I'll tell you what's going to happen.

Apparently, Bush authorized the release of information, but didn't care how it was done. Tricky Dick (oh wait, that name is already taken) decided to expose a political enemy, perhaps hoping she'd get disappeared...

Obviously Mr Cheney is to blame. Bush had no idea what was happening (disturbingly believable). So the guy who shot his hunting buddy will step down, perhaps due to heath concerns, maybe he needs another coronary artery bypass? Who will step in to fill the void? I'll guess John McCain, or some other adopted son who would be caesar.

2008 will come around with war raging in Iraq, Iran and Afghanistan. VP John McCain will announce that he is running for the post of President and who could possibly lead us through this war of liberation better than McCaine?

McCain will get 49.99% of the vote, Hillary 50.01%, and the electoral college will make McCaine President of the United States.


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